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·每周影人:山东摄影家别春峰  ·湖北钟祥明显陵——中国帝陵的璀璨明珠  ·凄楚残荷遗韵 唯美动人  ·西藏之旅的钻石级选择——林芝鲁朗  ·瑞士日内瓦风光  ·优秀影人:上海摄影家李亚元  ·巴兰班南:印度尼西亚最美最大的印度教寺庙  ·到东北雪乡过大年 找回儿时的年味儿  ·辽宁大连马家军训练中心[高清图片]  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家高延智  ·福建最大佛教寺庙——泉州开元寺  ·不朽的艺术杰作——巴黎凯旋门  ·巴音布鲁克——天山雪水浇出的奇迹  ·每周影人:北京摄影家苏勇  ·著名藏传佛教寺庙——甘南夏河拉卜楞寺   ·每周影人:山东摄影家别春峰  ·湖北钟祥明显陵——中国帝陵的璀璨明珠  ·凄楚残荷遗韵 唯美动人  ·西藏之旅的钻石级选择——林芝鲁朗  ·瑞士日内瓦风光  ·优秀影人:上海摄影家李亚元  ·巴兰班南:印度尼西亚最美最大的印度教寺庙  ·到东北雪乡过大年 找回儿时的年味儿  ·辽宁大连马家军训练中心[高清图片]  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家高延智  ·福建最大佛教寺庙——泉州开元寺  ·不朽的艺术杰作——巴黎凯旋门  ·巴音布鲁克——天山雪水浇出的奇迹  ·每周影人:北京摄影家苏勇  ·著名藏传佛教寺庙——甘南夏河拉卜楞寺  

Large live hedge type. Polarizing effects of train and prune achieved as technical adventure nature, this series shows the inescapable years of labor with genuine responses with the trim as well practiced techniques. &n...

Photography of conrete city landscape or public memouial intended to honour and celecbrate -cars and truck. With thoroughly ironic echoes of archaie rituals and ceremonies of nature worship. But this is nature overlaid a...

Grown about four different varieties in various shades of white, pink, red and purple. The growth habit ranges from a cabbage-like appearance through to a feathery peacock appearance. Gallery 191 – ...

Dalian-South west city coast area 10 km from CBD - shoot covers south end of park beach. Multiple function area. Popularity runs high in summer. Must visit place for tourists all year. Le Johnno – Oct – 2011   ...

Another amusement parks ride of older design works same as park kids swing. This type more balanced and sustainable on huge scale. Not most popular of rides today. Le Johnno – Oct – 2011


  七彩丹霞在张掖市的临泽县,这里是世界少有的七彩丹霞地貌。     10月6日早我们从嘉峪关出发,在中午赶到张掖市,住张掖大饭店,但这个饭店的设施和服务之差,可能全国少有,4星级酒店没有热水,没有电视和网线。  &...

  中国杯国际帆船赛2011年10月29日在深圳市南澳的大亚湾举行,这次帆船赛吸引了世界上120多个国家和地区的运动员参加,盛况空前。     大亚湾帆船基地是深圳第26届世界大学生运动会的帆船比赛场地,设施先进,海面开阔,视野�...


Yi-river area – edge of Linyi city in Shandong province - large scale bonsai out door type. Feature set in park area. Ancient tree styles -mixed fusion adapted effectively to this environment delightful collection. Le J...

Photo study of flatting oil across water surface resembling abstract art forms. Also sources of reflected images with water drops. Le Johnno – Oct – 2011   ID:115318-04609 水纹画   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 ...

Linyi city – CBD Shandong province. Every person appears to own bikes in this city – resembling old days in most advanced cities within China - Bikes mostly taken out by fast cars.   ID:115318-04672 骑手  �...

Dalian city. Domestic type. Photo study providing for audiences - in the cold inexperienced dummys around airport. Collection generally reflective of events with ticket to fly.   ID:115318-04624 机场   图片�...

Bungee-Jump Journal– CN.82
Dalian-south west city coast area 10 km from CBD - find bungee end of main wharf 300 m from shoreline.   ID:115318-04705 蹦趿   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲   ID�...

Art-so-odd - Catalog – CN.38
Short shoot around Dalian city center with hunt for odd art in the street or things people dont bother looking at twice. Once in frame they all hold new meaning to viewers. Le Johnno �...


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