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·每周影人:湖北摄影家税晓洁  ·四川道孚八美:美丽景致陶醉在传说中的香巴拉王国  ·勿忘战争 祈盼和平——辽宁丹东鸭绿江中朝友谊桥和端桥(断桥)  ·北京雾霾散去 与往年同期比相差仍甚远  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家——李国栋  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家高延智  ·欣赏老照片 了解老北京城的历史文化  ·“枫叶之都、辽宁生态本溪”靓丽名片笑迎中外游客  ·旅游景区如果实现世界遗产申请成功后的文化保护与利用双赢  ·辽宁大连马家军训练中心[高清图片]  ·优秀影人:黑龙江摄影家——李金岩  ·中国雪乡:冬日里冰清玉洁的童话世界  ·穿梭在众神的宫殿——云南元谋土林  ·徐静蕾博客澄清谣言 否认吸毒被抓、没举报张一白  ·中国画里的乡村——安徽宏村   ·每周影人:湖北摄影家税晓洁  ·四川道孚八美:美丽景致陶醉在传说中的香巴拉王国  ·勿忘战争 祈盼和平——辽宁丹东鸭绿江中朝友谊桥和端桥(断桥)  ·北京雾霾散去 与往年同期比相差仍甚远  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家——李国栋  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家高延智  ·欣赏老照片 了解老北京城的历史文化  ·“枫叶之都、辽宁生态本溪”靓丽名片笑迎中外游客  ·旅游景区如果实现世界遗产申请成功后的文化保护与利用双赢  ·辽宁大连马家军训练中心[高清图片]  ·优秀影人:黑龙江摄影家——李金岩  ·中国雪乡:冬日里冰清玉洁的童话世界  ·穿梭在众神的宫殿——云南元谋土林  ·徐静蕾博客澄清谣言 否认吸毒被抓、没举报张一白  ·中国画里的乡村——安徽宏村  

Watered eye       Catalog CN-161
Cityscape study beyond the traditional. Strategy to focus between foreground – background.   ID:115318-05976 水之眼   图片来源:CCN传媒图片...

Linjiang – Park   Journal CN-146
Shanghai, 1991 the park was expanded, 1993 viewing loft built next to Yangtze River. In 2004 again the park was extended.   ID:115318-06026 上海临江公园   图片...

Suzhou-City-LG (lion grove)  Journal CN-135 Great gardens of Suzhou. Built 1342 AD-Yuan Dynasty – by group of monks. Named lion grove garden. Site contains various classical architectural pavilions terraces, towe...

Suzhou-city-LG(Calm garden)     Journal CN-136 Calm garden another popular Chinese tourist destination. Significant ancient garden lay-out. Waterways with junks.   ID:115318-06157 苏州静园...

Gallery – B & W       Catalog CN-131
Shanghai public Art Gallery – black & white study of people viewing art works in negative light – without flash. Shadow function’s ensure...

Ancient Qibao    Journal CN-125
Outer edge Shanghai city.
Ancient Qibao – thousands of years old. Town restored within romantic setting. Prevalent tourist destination.   ID:115318-062...

Junks       Catalog CN-126
Ancient part of Qibao city, junk area waterways ,charmingly original, pleasing smooth boat movements. Emphasized the ancient style of water transport. Le Johnn...


Thames Town    Journal CN-127
Reproduction replica of Thames Town, England. Once used as movie set 8years ago. Today tourist site.   ID:115318-06263 泰晤士小镇   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐...

Library   Journal  CN-128
Shanghai-Pudong area – world class library, facilities state of art. Especially significant design with large spacious areas.   ID:115318-06299 上海浦东图书馆   ...

Sydney-city     Journal CN-137
Australian – largest city. Brief snap–shoots around CBD area.   ID:115318-06346 澳之悉尼   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲
Architectural Victoria ...

Journal CN-133
Down-town Shanghai midwinter Chinese Lamp Festival without lights – daytime before the big show at night.  Le Johnno  2012  February   ID:115318-06365 白日观灯   图片来源:...

Catalog  CN-139
Shanghai central canal Huangpu River. More like super highway for barges. Any love for old style barges – well this is the place.   ID:115318-06391 驳船   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐�...

Journal CN-147
Masterful child at work – simultaneous fusion of color and light with dance bubbles movement limited only by time. Le Johnno  2012  June   ID:115318-06408 吹泡之趣   图片来源:C...

Catalog CN-129
Shanghai city area, exhibition of odd photo collection taken around city streets.   ID:115318-06459 艺术之奇   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲
Opportunities present quality unexpected ...


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